Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Back in Ohio...

I came back to Ohio in August and found myself with an interview at CATCO-Pheonix, Aerie and Lane Bryant.  I ended up getting a part time costume internship at CATCO-Pheonix and a part time job at Lane Bryant.  I turned down the job at Aerie because Lane Bryant gave me a better offer.  I also, like shopping at Lane Bryant as opposed to Aerie.  I have been having alot of fun at CATCO-Pheonix, learning alot about organiation of a costume shop, and the construction of a garment.  Recently, I helped build two elvis type jump suits for The Last Smoker In America which CATCO just premiered.  The show is going on to premier on Broadway in a couple of weeks.  I most recently charged The Legend Of Sleepy Hallow for Pheonix Children's Theatre.  I had alot of fun painting that show because it was nice to get back to painting for a little bit since I had not painted since the begining of August.  Minus my lack of sleep from all the work I have been doing I really love my life right now because I am able to pick and choose my jobs.  I don't have to be boxed in or labeled I can do what makes me happy. 

I am also completely revapming my resume, cover letter, and web site so more to come.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

End of Week 10...

Friday May 28, 2010

In the morning Phyllis and I finished perforating the Cirque sign pounce. Then for the rest of the day both of us were back in the projecting room cartooning the pounces for Carnival drops. Together we finished both A and B strips for the lower part of the translucent drop. We also got a majority of the upper part of the tent drop cartooned in. Both of us will probably finish it on Tuesday when we are back. Monday is off for the shops because of Memorial Day. Phyllis and I got a lot down today I was pretty proud. Then after work we had the BBQ and a cake that Carla made for Katie’s Birthday, Happy Birthday Katie!! Some of us went bowling after the BBQ in Old Saybrook, it was fun and I had no idea it was there.

Saturday May 29, 2010

I the morning I could not sleep in again so I went for a walk around Creamry Rd. Then I got ready for the day and did laundry. I talked with Anna for a little bit about our trip to NY on Monday since I have the day off. I cleaned my room a little bit because it was looking sloppy. I looked up a couple events going on in the city on Monday. I looked at a couple of cars online just because I wanted to see what was on the market. There was also a fun dance party that was put on by a couple of my roommates which was a lot of fun.

Sunday May 30, 2010

I slept in which was nice and I made hot dogs for lunch. I had gotten movies from the library so I watched Duplicity this afternoon. I basically hung around and had a lazy day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Thursday May 27, 2010

In the morning I finished the pounce for the detail piece on the puppet stage. I then covered flats for more samples to be done for Carnival. Then we all had a short lunch so that we could get out early. I helped Katie fix apart of the deck that had been rained on the night before. We snapped lines and inked them in with brown sharpie. It was really sad, this puddle had formed under the deck and at least a third of it was soaked and had to be trashed because it was warping. I felt really bad because everyone had worked so hard to get to the point we were at but at least now it looks like nothing had happened. In the afternoon I also worked on the Cirque Sign pounce and I washed some prevalves and misters. I picked up some popsicles on the way home for the BBQ tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday....

Tuesday May 26, 2010

In the morning Katie and I made boxes on craft paper to fit a couple of the soft good projects that we are doing for Carnival. In the afternoon we based the deck and then when it was dry we sprayed a lighter color on top with the Hudson. I sprayed the paper on the deck to see if it would flatten out and not be so wrinkly. I cleaned some buckets and then we all went home.

Wednesday May 26, 2010

In the morning Katie and I marked all of the wooden planks on the deck then we snapped all the lines with a chalk line. Towards the end of the morning we made a craft paper grid for the detail piece on the top of the puppet stage for Carnival. Then I had to leave so I could get ready for my interview.
It took me about an hour and a half to get to Trinity Rep. and it was there right off of the I-95 exit. I explained my portfolio and asked questions. The whole group also asked me questions which I thought I answered pretty well. Megan gave me a tour of the theater and there were a lot, a lot of staircases. Overall I think it went pretty well and this was my first face to face interview so it was good to get the experience interviewing. I a supposed to know the week of June 14th whether I got the job or not.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 10 Begins...

Monday May 24, 2010

In the morning I mixed an tinted primer for the deck for Carnival. Then I finished mixing the second base color for the deck that I had started on Friday. The buckets smelled so bad that Carla had Katie and I dump all of the water out of them and just let them dry out to use for slope buckets. It had been smelling like baby poop for about two weeks so thank the lord were just getting rid of most of the buckets. I was happy to see them be done with because heaven knows what would of happened if they had sat there any longer. Katie and I cleaned out the bath tubs that are our sinks. I think it is pretty much genius to just use a bath tub as a slope sink because it is large enough for our purposes. The both of us cleaned out the screens and scrapped out the bottom of the tubs. It was interesting to take the whole sink apart and clean it. Also, in the afternoon all three of us primed the deck and then we went home.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 9

Sorry dear readers I have not been able to post in a while beacuse where I have been living did not have internet for two weeks.

Monday May 17, 2010

In the morning we repapered the deck. It was really weird to see the deck without paper on it and so clean. I also broke down some boxes so that there weren’t so many eating up pace in the back of the shop. During lunch I went to the library t mail my journals because the Boardman still does not have internet. Then in the afternoon I washed buckets and pounced a circus scene for a sample with Phyllis and Patti.

Tuesday May 18, 2010

In the morning I took all of the, Band, Geeks! paint out of the road box and put it on a shelf for storage in the shop until the show is over. Then I took all of the Carnival renderings and put them between cardboard and acetate to protect them when we start painting. Then I helped Phyllis and Patti render in the pounce on to one of the samples for Carnival. Then we all broke for a short lunch so that we could leave early. Patti talked about how she is leaving for France in two days. How I wish I could go with her. In the afternoon I sloped/ made back paint out of the left over Buffalo Bill Drop from Annie Get Your Gun. I also washed buckets for the last hour of work. There is a new painter named Katie in the shop. She will be here for the whole summer with me and I like she a lot she is always upbeat.
In the evening some of my roommates and I went out for pizza. The place was called Frank Pepe’s Pizzeria and it had the best thin crust pizza I have ever had. I will definitely be going back.

Wednesday May 19, 2010

In the morning Katie and I made some starch and throughout the day we starched the back of the Carnival sample to make it translucent. I made some tinted alcohol bin for the carpenters to paint the steel. I got rid of some Annie Get You Gun pounces because we didn’t need them anymore. I also, made a 15’ by 34’ sheet to cartoon for the sky drop in Carnival. Since there were too many deli cups to wash Carla had me throw them away which was fun because no one has to wash them now, YAY! My hands kind of stink from the water the cups were soaking in but it was worth it to just throw them away, it was fun. I put away some buckets we had washed yesterday and helped put some inventory away. I based out the floor sample before we left for the day. In the evening I went to the library to use the internet and then went for a walk.

Thursday May 20, 2010

In the morning I lined out some boards for the wood planked floor sample. I cleaned my roller from yesterday when I put on the base coat for the floor sample. I got to mix color today which was very exciting!! I mixed the base color for the brick on the portal. I also, applied the base to the brick sample and got that ready. I then started mixing the other two base colors for the brick. I did not finish mixing them before the end of the day because I helped Carla and Katie finish the translucent sample. We cut the top off the muslin that is supposed to be the scrim area. Then we matched up the muslin and scrim together. The last step was to glue the scrim and muslin together with felxbond. At the end of the day we just cleaned up the shop and went home. I went to the library to get on the internet after work.

Friday May 21, 2010

In the morning I mixed two more brick colors and helped get the circus tent sample off the floor. Adam and Carla looked at it in the morning and Carla decided to make some adjustments to it. I think the whole idea of having a scrim at the top part of the drop and translucency at the bottom will give a pretty cool affect. I am excited to see it when it is finished, it will be wonderful. In the afternoon Katie and I made a trip to Essex hardware and picked up some supplies that the shop needed. We picked up some 2.5 quart buckets, some 1, 2, 3, primer, black gloss spray paint to name a few. When we got back to the shop we stopped early for the day. The carpenters invited all of us over to the scene shop to hang out so the three of us went over there to chit chat. When I got home I went for a walk, it was pretty hot and muggy but I wanted to anyways.

Saturday May 22, 2010

Even though I hung out with my roommates last night and stayed up I woke up at 8 am and could not go back to sleep. I am kind of tired but I can’t sleep. I got up and did my laundry and went to the grocery store. I then went and picked up my car from the Honda dealership, the total cost was a little more the $800 dollars to fix it, what can I do I had to pay it. I got some prints of my portfolio pictures so I could have some to show at my interview on Wednesday along with my website portfolio. I also went to Burlington Coat factory and got a cute blouse and jacket for my interview. I have been doing some research on Trinity Rep which is where I have my interview, they seem to be very active in their community and have a fully staffed costume shop.

Sunday May 23, 2010

I slept in until 10:00 am, thank the lord. I made lunch and then went to the mall with Katie. We walked around the whole time and browsed, I had a lot of fun. In the evening I watched Monsoon Wedding its by the same Director who did Vanity Fair which is ne of my favorite movies.

Week 8

Sunday May 10, 2010

Jason got into town today, YAY! I amazingly slept in until noon today. I made a salad for lunch and I worked on my SYE paper. Jason and I went to Friendly’s for dinner and it was pretty good, I had never been there before. When we got back to the house we watched Frost Nixon which was a film about Watergate. It did not move very quickly but it was an ok movie.

Monday May 10, 2010

Today I spent my morning consolidating all of the, Band, Geeks! colors in to small deli cups and packing them into the road box. At lunch I had chefboyrdee and strawberries. In the afternoon I spent more time consolidating colors and I back painted the scoreboard for the show. I all so painted some boards dark grey for the show. By the end of the day the road box was ready to go and I was cleaning rollers. When I got home Jason and I made spaghetti and meat balls which was pretty good.

Tuesday May 11, 2010

In the morning the whole crew met at the Chester theatre, its official name is the Norma Terris Theatre. We did paint notes on stage until about ten ‘o clock. Then everyone went back to the shop to clean. I disposed of some dried cans of shellac and some big buckets of dye. I also, took out the trash while helping Phyllis and Patti get rid of the left over show paint that didn’t fit in the road box. The rest of my day I spent cleaning rollers and paint trays. I cleaned out some buckets too.
When I got home Jason and I made dinner and we watched the first Iron Man, on Thursday were going to go see Iron Man 2. In other news the internet here has not been working properly since Friday and as of Monday it doesn’t work at all.

Wednesday May 12, 2010

This morning we all gathered at the Chester theatre and did notes. I was sent back to the shop to paint some molding. I painted the base color and a silver color on to them. The rest of my morning I spent filling the slop buckets with saw dust so they would be solid and the carpenters could dispose of them. At lunch I sent my SYE and reflection paper to Greg. I am hoping to get either more ideas I can create more information from because I can’t think of any more to cover in my SYE paper. I also had an instant lunch soup for lunch and it was not as good as I had hoped.
In the afternoon I kept filling slop buckets and put them by the door for carpenters to take. I also, cleaned more buckets and brushes.

Thursday May 13, 2010

In the morning we all met up at the theatre and did paint notes. Then I went back to the shop alone and worked on painting some molding that was to be placed in side the window frames. First I painted on the base coat and then a silver coat. Later Phyllis and Patti gave it a texture to make it look dirty or aged. I went back to my house for lunch where Jason and I made Mac n cheese.
In the afternoon I spent most of my time bucket washing or tidying up the shop. I do get satisfaction out of cleaning in that I can see my work progress before my eyes and I know I am completing the task at hand. I believe that is why I love painting so much because I can see the project from start to finish. If I am lucky enough I even get to see the audience appreciate everyone’s work. It’s a nice feeling to know you are contributing to a bigger grander picture.
Towards the end of the day Krista and I met Carla back at the theatre where we did some more paint notes. There were just a few touch up to be done and tone down the tarps that go on the back of the bleachers. I got to say goodbye to Krista today because she is going to go work at her theatre company, End Station, in Virginia. Her and a friend started it after grad school and have been doing shows every summer since. It takes a lot of guts to put your self out there like that to an audience by taking full control of a company and making the big decisions, such as picking your season. I will miss Krista a lot, she always gave really good advice. I hope I can stay in touch with her through facebook because I don’t have her email unfortunately.
In the evening Jason and I went and saw the opening of Band, Geeks! It was really good and I hope it ends up going to another theatre as Goodspeed hopes it will.

Friday May 14, 2010

This morning I helped Carla finish the head board by sealing it and back painting it. I also, cleaned off the mixing table and put more paint in the slope buckets. I made more pounce bags and got rid of some old ones, also I refilled the pounce boxes.
In the afternoon Jason and I went to the Honda dealership because my sunroof is broken. Now I have to pay $800 dollars to get it fixed. I am so thrilled at the fact that I have put so much money into my car in the only three years that I have owned it. I am extremely frustrated if you can’t tell. Then the two of us went to Five Guys and then to see Iron Man 2 it was pretty bad ass, I defiantly recommend it. I would really watch it when you want to drop kick something it kind of helps.

Saturday May 15, 2010

In the morning Jason and I went over and stuck my laundry in at the Goodspeed laundry place. Then we went to the library to get on the internet because the company housing I am living in has not had internet all week. I found out hat Trinity Rep in Providence wants to interview me for their costume internship program. I am really excited and just need to figure out when I can go in for an interview. Then Jason and I went grocery shopping to get me some little stuff for the week like milk and orange juice. After my laundry was done we went to Gillette Castle and walked around for a bit. It was really nice to be outside on a day when it was not raining. I also found out that the trails run all the way down to the river behind the castle. The whole park was really pretty.


In the evening Jason and I watched Burn Before Reading and Wall-E. I made pirogues and pasta for dinner.

Sunday May 16, 2010

Jason and I both got up before noon and I made hot dogs for lunch. For what small time we had in the afternoon together we hung out and talked. Then at 3:30 I drove him to the air port. He has to go home for jury duty I don’t know how much fun he will have doing that but he has to do it. It was very sad to see him leave but I am glad he got to come and see me. I will get to see him when I come home to walk at graduation. Speaking of graduation which I have only four more weeks till it still hasn’t hit me yet.
When I got home from the airport I made dinner and watched some TV with my roommates.